My Radio Story

Ham Radio is a passion with me. It is shared with three others - beyond my family - that consume what is left of my time. I have a fascination with Astronomy, Railroads, and Photography. They are integrated in some ways - radio is dependent on the sun and the science of Earth’s atmosphere. Photography has links to taking pictures of old radios, star paths in the night sky, as well as flowers and scenery. Did I say scenery? Scenery often includes train pictures - especially if I am involved.

My Collins S-Line (3 Series) picture here is specially composed to look like an advertisement from the Hammarlund Radio Company, many years ago. The President of Hammarlund posed, like this picture, behind his premier product offering of the time and said something like “What hams really want.” He was ultimately proven wrong because hams wanted transceivers - not separate receivers and transmitters.