• American Radio Relay League - www.ARRL.org (Member)

  • American Legion Amateur Radio Club - www.legion.org/hamradio (Member)

  • Antique Wireless Association - www.antiquewireless.org (Member)

  • Badger Contesters - www.badgercontesters.org (Member)

  • Chatham Marconi Maritime Center - www.chathammarconi.org (Member)

  • Maritime Radio History Society - www.radiomarine.org (Member)

  • East Coast Amateur Radio Service - www.ecars7255.com (Life Member)

  • Straight Key Century Club (SKCC - #16601) - www.skccgroup.com (Member) 

  • Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club - www.WiARC.org (Member)

    • I am Past - President of this organization

  • Ozaukee Radio Club - www.OzaukeeRadioClub.org (Member)

    • I am Editor and a regular columnist on Vintage Amateur Radio for this club’s Newsletter

  • Washington County Amateur Radio Club - www.WashingtonCountyARC.com (Member)

    • I am Vice President of this organization

  • Madison DX Association - www.madisondxclub.org (Member)

  • International DX Association - indexa.org/ (Member)

  • Germantown Radio Transmitting Society - www.w9mxq.net (Founder)

  • Society of Midwest Contesters - www.W9SMC.com (Member)

My Radio Links